Jien's Page

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I got my filly, Jien, on 5 November, 2004, when she was about 8.5 months old (born 20 Feb, 2004). She’s been at the barn about 3 weeks now (29 Nov), and this is her story to date. We don’t have much of a memory constraint on storage for this site, so I intend to use this site and a blog to record Jien’s journey to adulthood; it’s the first time I’ve been around a really young horse, and certainly the first time I’ve been responsible for one. What all the foregoing is in aid of is that this page will contain links to other pages, where there are LOTS more pictures and LOTS more text. The intent is to avoid making you load all 300+ thumbnails UNLESS YOU WANT TO. Of course, *I'd* want to.

There are one to a few pictures of each “episode” in Jien’s life to date, and a link for each event. Click on the link to get the Rest of the Story.

Quicklinks within this page:

  • Husband Hunting for Al - Feb 04
  • I buy a Filly
  • Jien's First Labor Day
  • Jien Comes Home
  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3

    By the way, one of Jien's breeder's requests is that each of the horses sired by her stallion, Splash, have "splash" somewhere in their name. "Jien" is the Cantonese character for "powerful and flexible", as well as "splash" - so her registered name is Jien-ger Splash.

    Husband Hunting for Ali

    As background, last year I decided that I was going to need another horse sometime, since Al is currently 19. I wanted to work something out so that the horse would be coming into its prime as I actually had time to ride it – so that meant ending up with a mature horse in about 6 years. For variety of reasons, I decided to breed my mare, Ali. Al's weak point is her temperament, which is . . . excitable, so I looked around for a proven calm stallion. After looking for awhile, I took some of my knowledgeable horse buddies with me and visited Canyonside Ranch, home of Splash. The story of that visit is at Husband Hunting for Al. To cut to the chase, we decided we liked Robbi Pruitt and her stallion, Splash, and took Ali up for breeding - that story is at Al has a Conjugal Visit to Canyonside Ranch.

    I Buy a Filly

    I think probably fortunately for me, the breeding didn't take. When I went up to bring Ali back, I chatted with Robbi about what she had available and ended up buying a, at that point, 5 month old filly. The complete story on that is at this page. The first two pictures are of Neon Leon and Jack, a three year old and one year old gelding, respectively. I was really taken with both of them. The last two pictures show what Jien looked like at that point.





    Jien's First Labor Day

    Wayne and I went up over Labor Day, just to check her out. On the Saturday of the weekend, she was a baby. On the Monday of the weekend, she got weaned and, boy was she mad, as you can see from the pictures above. More of the story is at Jien's First Labor Day.



    Coming Home

    I finally got to bring her home on November 5. Three of my friends went with me to Bend to pick her up: Judy, Caitlin and Valena. Judy and Caitlin are both experienced horse people who I was counting on in case of emergency. Valena is the a relative newbie, like me, but was really interested in meeting Robbi, who is a mine of information. Caitlin, Judy and Valena toured the ranch with Robbi as tour guide. More pictures of the people involved and the other horses at the ranch, and discussion of our trip up to the ranch are
    here and here.

    The people are, from left to right, Judy, Caitlin, Valena, and Robbi, the breeder.

    The Cast of Characters





    The Rest of the Ranch

    The horses are, from left to right, Splash, Jien's sire, Valena and the other filly, and Rwanda, Jien's dam. The last photo is a group shot.





    Chasing Jien and her Buddies

    I spent the day following Jien around in the 15 acre pasture that she shared with 5 of her best buddies. All of them except Jien found me to be fascinating - so I got some good pictures of her buddies, and some good pictures of Jien walking away from me. The rest of the pictures of Jien are here and the rest of the pictures of her buddies are here. The little beige horse was really scruffy and really cute. Jien is the horse in the top two pics.





    Getting in the Trailer and Riding Home

    The next morning, Robbi loaded her in the trailer, she investigated it and off we took. Pictures are here and here.




    We arrived home and unloaded her - what a champ! She just stepped out of the trailer like she'd done it a zillion times. She wasn't quite as certain about the stall and the tree- never having seen either one up close before - or Zephryr, her nearest neighbor. Since then, she's gotten used to having a bucket every night, learned to eat carrots and sleep in her stall. She's been brushed all over her, including her tail and her ears and she's learning to lead. Pictures are at

    Here for the first week



    Here for the second week






    Here for the third week


