Buzz and his Buddies

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Buzz made friends where ever he went. Here are two of his earliest buds, and ones he stuck with for most of his life: Sunny (my cranky mare) and Julie (the kid). I think they were all either three or four years old at the time of the photo. Julie is the grand daughter of the owner of the ranch and Buzz spent the first few years of his life at the ranch, with me - and the rest of crew.
Here's Buzz guarding Jade, Julie's little sister. He was pretty much their Constant Companion - as long as they'd let him be.
Here's Buzz and his buddy Zephyr, the two most handsome guys at Robinson Ranch.
Here's Zeph and Buzz trying to herd Ivy, the pig back to her pen. Sometimes when the Robinsons went traveling, which was fairly often, I'd get tapped to feed the horses and Buzz would come along, of course. Ivy was the best escape artist I've ever run into. She didn't seem to have any particular goal in mind except to get out of her pen. She'd get out and walk over to some horse's paddock and just lay down in front of it and wait for me to try to move her. Buzz would help as much as he could, but Ivy was NOT impressed by his Viszla aura. Lots more on this and the buddies above on the Robinson Ranch page.
Here's Buzz and a Chinese colleague of mine. She hadn't ever been around a large dog before so Buzz was her first exposure. She was impressed.
And here he is with his posse from "obedience" school. I put "obedience" in quotes because it was run by a local vet, Jan Brennan, who also sat (and still is on, I think) the Homeland Security panel, as the expert on search and rescue dogs, which were her passion. Sooo, when you started with Jan, you and your dog went through the basic socialization class, then classic obedience, then it got fun - she had the dogs doing things like jumping up on 2 x 4s suspended on barrels, then sitting down and waiting for directions from there. Or having tree climbing contests. This group of three dogs were regulars with Jan for several years. More on this on the Dog School page.
A short digression. This photo isn't really Buzz's Buddies but it *is* Buzz practicing his tree climbing, in order to impress Jan on the next Saturday.
This is Toby, the Ranch Dog, who was probably Buzz's first serious pal. This photo was taken after the Lockheed Fire in . . . 2009(?) During the fire, Cal Fire brought in heavy equipment to make fire breaks, then ran water through it. After the fire, Toby, Buzz and I took a hike up to see what the fire had done. The dogs got hot, so Toby jumped into one of the mud puddles and Buzz followed.
Someone brought a Weimeraner up to the Ranch and he was running wild. Someone suggested that we take the newbie and Buzz down to the arena and let them burn off some steam. I guess that's sand dust you can see, but it *could* be steam!
They stopped for a breather when someone moved.
Buzz is checking in with Boo, my friend Cory's dog. Boo was rescued from being drowned at the age of 4 weeks - her upbringing was about as opposite from Buzz as it could be. Boo and Buzz enjoy swimming in the Trinity River together. You can see Buzz figuring out how to swim on the Hyampom page.
This is my friend Lori. I wasn't a dog person until I met Lori and her dog Primo. Primo went with us hiking, camping, you name it. I didn't get why people had dogs until I saw how much one could add to almost any experience. And how caring and comforting they can be. Primo was gone by the time we got Buzz, but Lori saw Primo in Buzz, which I thought was maybe the best compliment he ever got. Photos of a camping trip Buzz and I took with Lori here.
The next couple of pictures are of Buzz, Sunny (the cranky mare), and me at Fort Ord. Until recently, it was okay to have dogs off leash in Ft Ord, so Buzz would come along with Sunny and me when we rode out there. It was pretty funny: after the first . . . 500 yards, Sunny decided Buzz was part of her herd. When he would pass her, she would relax, as horses do when someone else takes over the lead. When he would get behind (you know, stopping to water a bush or something), she'd go back on high alert. A zillion pics of Buzz at Ft Ord, with and without Sunny, at the Ft Ord page.
The two photos were taken about five years apart, but not much has changed - okay, maybe Buzz is a little greyer, but Buzz and Sunny continued to enjoy outings together.
I just had to include this photo because it's so weird. Buzz and Wayne went out to Wayne's van to go for a walk a few months ago, and found this bird on top of the van. And he wouldn't leave. Even with Buzz hanging his head out the door, the bird hung around for about half an hour!