Kharina's Page
October, 2004:
January, 2004:
February, 2003:
January, 2003:
August 2002:
Kharin got shoed today - if there was any doubt about her white feet, it should be resolved now. Those feet are WHITE!! She also demonstrated another hint of a devoloping personality; note that at one point it was taking three people to keep her from climbing into Suzanne's Explorer and going home with Louie. Finally, earlier I caught this "smoking gun" photo of Kharin checking for carrots.
Kharina went out with Tuffy, Ms L, and Al today (22 June). Before we left, Kharina had to do some arena work to put her in the right frame of mind. The first picture is purely for archival purposes: if we ever need to know exactly how big Judy and Kharina's rear ends were on 22 June 2002, we know where to look. The second picture is of Kharina walking between the lines; contrary to the way the picture looks, she is NOT walking on top of the pipe. Finally, an over-the-shoulder shot of Judy and Kharina on the trail. I kept it in because Wayne said it was a good picture because of the color and you can see Judy's face - and Judy believes everything Wayne says, so . . .
Judy took Kharina out to the arena to play. Fortunately, Bonnie was there to capture the action.
Judy got a new horse for her birthday (June 13) - a four year old Arabian (what else?) mare named Kharina. Kharina's full brother, Tonto, has completed Tevis several times and Kharina looks like she has the right stuff, too.
As soon as she got put in her paddock, the Kids had to introduce themselves. First came Nadia, in a cloud of dust. Then came Kharina's prolonged first exposure to Zeph: First he approached and she didn't look at him. Then she looked. Then she allowed him to get close. Then Zeph couldn't stand it anymore and essploded. His Mother *did* teach him manners, he just ignored her like he does everybody else.