Donna Stidolph
831.427-3646 donna@stidolph.comObjective
To help define and sell a software process within an organization because I believe a well-chosen process results in better products, happier employees and, ultimately, in increased profits.
Summary of qualifications
Work experience
University of California, Santa Cruz
2000 - presentSanta Cruz, Ca
2000 – present: Student in the Master’s Degree program in Computer Science. Teaching Assistant for the Senior Project Course.
Condor Systems 1997 – 1999
San Jose, Ca
1997 – 1999: Program manager/System Engineer for a Firm Fixed Price development of a complex Submarine ESM system for the Swedish Navy. In response to customer concern about the post-sale system specification, I introduced rapid prototyping into the Condor process as a method of setting customer expectations and getting feedback. As a result of the first prototype effort, we were authorized to order materials. The customer amended the contract to require the continuation of the prototype until unit design was complete.
GTE Government Systems 1979-1997
Mountain View, Ca
1994 - 1997: Program manager for a Firm Fixed Price (>$10M) program to build a 19 rack Electronic Support Measures system. The program includes procurement of $3 million in materials and employs >120 people. Program tasks include building new units; restoring and modifying existing units; managing extensive Customer Furnished Equipment; ECP management; system integration and test. The 24 month program includes multiple subcontracts. I established an integrated product team approach to the program, resulting in process improvements in the areas of design change evaluation, artwork change implementation, and customer cooperation in our program. Now in our fourteenth month, we are significantly ahead of schedule, running 25% below projected hours, and achieving 250% of our anticipated profit.
1996 - 1997: PROGRAM MANAGER for a series of development/analysis tasks in telecommunications technology. The tasks are primarily software oriented and range from traditional cascade developments to spiral design cycles; and include tool development, reverse engineering and integration. There are presently four active tasks, on which we have received an average 98% award fee. The technical team consists of 12 engineers. Because of security constraints, all our work must be done by the same pool of talent, requiring flexible resource management to best meet the customer’s needs while keeping our engineers interested and involved.
1996 - 1997: Principle Investigator (Team Lead) for an internally funded project to design Telecommunication Networks visualization tools for military situations. This R&D task provides a key enabling technology for a major new business area. We successfully fielded a QRC demonstration at Ft. Bragg, and have participated in several joint operations OCONUS. As a result of our success, our charter has been extended to become the primary visualization tool for all GTEGSC analysis products.
1994 - 1996: Proposal manager / Book Boss for various proposals:
1990 - 1994: Task Manager for engineering services contracts to provide software stability upgrades, system test and evaluation, system maintenance and engineering studies. Wrote and negotiated task descriptions, estimated task costs. Generated approximately $3M in sales on five tasks.
1986-1990: System Engineer filling multiple roles on 3 US Navy ESM systems and US Army tracked vehicles mast programs. Tested and optimized radar signal processing software; developed and integrated a microwave filter bank for a radar signal processor; supervised procurement and installation of a microwave RF signal simulator and programmed it to generate Navy-supplied scenarios, then used it to test ESM systems. Supervised small groups and wrote system level op/maint manuals. Supported a multi-antenna satellite receiving and processing site at an OCONUS site.
Rolm Mil Spec Computers
Santa Clara, Ca
1980-1982: Limited production engineer responsible for transition of products from engineering prototype to production. Addressed producability issues, ensured documentation correctness, created functional and environmental test procedures and supervised the first production run through the factory. Performed final T&I on fiber optic communication links.
University of California, Santa Cruz Expected December,2002
Santa Cruz, Ca
Degree: MSCS GPA: 3.75
University of Phoenix 1989
Santa Clara, Ca
Degree: MBA GPA: 3.95
Continuing Education
UC Berkeley - Telecommunications Engineering Certificate 1995 - 1997
Fundamentals of Data Communications
Communications Theory and Applications
Digital Telecommunications
Computer Networks
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Networks
Broadband Video Systems
Stanford University (general software engineering classes) 1992 - 1993
Pascal, MLA, and C Programming