Visits Weed, via Snow

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The weekend of 26 March 2003, we drove up to introduce Buzz to the property at Weed. We decided to show him some snow on the way up. We pulled off at about the first place we saw patches of snow and let him gambol around. Wayne tormented him by kicking snow in his face and letting Buzz think he could catch all the little snow bits.
After the snow, he decided he needed to explore the creek, which he did by jumping in and out of it at 92 individual places.
Isn't he handsome?
After the creek, we actually took a walk up to an overlook. It was supposed to be 3/4 mile, but it sure seemed longer to us. There were patches of snow along the way to keep the Buzzalator interested, and the view from the top was beautiful.

About 200 yards from the car, I started looking for my keys and couldn't find them anywhere. I didn't have that many pockets, so I quickly concluded that I had lost them. The only place I could figure out that they could have fallen out was at the top of the lookout, when we sat on the rocks. It wasn't a disaster, since Wayne had his keys, but it was still really annoying. Wayne headed directly to the car to see if I had lost them there, and I continued sort of following Buzz as he apparently meandered to the car. I used "apparently" because he jogged over to a spot about 100 yards from the car and stopped and sniffed until I got there - he had sniffed out my keys!!! What a guy!
This is probably really bad form, but Buzz rides in the back of our cars, unrestrained. On this trip, we brought both his beds and put one in the cargo area of the station wagon and his new one in the back seat. The sequence below shows how he spent the trip: he started in back on his good 'ol bed. Wayne or I would say "Buzz" or "walk" or "good" or almost any word associated with attention, and he'd hop over the back seat and investigate.
After all the fooling around, we didn't get to Weed until almost dark, so these pictures don't show much. But rest assured: he bounced around some more.
We didn't get back to Weed that often, but the pictures below are from 2012, and you can see that he still has the same interests.