Buzz Settles In

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After we got home, Buzz bravely explored the backyard then, with a little encouragement, started doing what he did best: playing! Outside, inside, with partners, alone - he just played.
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images/settlingIn/Day18_1113_223.JPG He loved to play, but he always had time to help us with our activities. In the photo on the left, Wayne is actually working and that's how Buzz spent quite a lot of his day. I was just making rope halters and he nosed his way in! images/settlingIn/Day47_1221_1.JPG
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Buzz also learned to let us take care of him. In these photos, Wayne is getting him used to having his nails done with a Dremel tool. Note that Buzz needed to see Wayne use it on himself before he would sign up. images/settlingIn/Day29_1128_403.JPG" images/settlingIn/Day29_1128_404.JPG images/settlingIn/Day29_1128_405.JPG"
And he started getting out of the yard - taking walks in the Santa Cruz mountains and van trips (which he loved) to the snow.
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And he was a natural relaxer. All his life, he was binary: he was ON or OFF. Don't get me wrong; he was ALWAYS willing to play, but he really understood the notion of play time and quiet time. That's hard to belive, I know, but Wayne ran a successful consulting business from home while Buzz was a youngster, and I did my Master's thesis when Buzz was a year old - none of us would have survived if Buzz was not a zen creature. images/settlingIn/Day29_1128_375.JPG images/settlingIn/Day16_1111_142.JPG
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